For Individual
I, as a top executive, will make sincere efforts to
have our company "Growth and departure
from the status quo"
As the top management, I am sincerely committed to
our company's growth and de-emergence.
Amount of
orders received¥93.86
Net income
As of the end of March 2024. The amount of orders received was announced on May 30, 2024.
Earnings forecast
Regarding the consolidated earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025, we project that sales will be 58.0 billion yen, operating income will be 4.8 billion yen, ordinary income will be 4.55 billion yen, and net income attributable to owners of parent will be 3.2 billion yen.
Amount of
orders received¥57.0billion
(minus 39.3%)
(plus 21.4%)
(plus 8.8%)
(minus 3.4%)
Net income
(minus 40.7%)
Note: As of October 31th, 2024. Forecasts for orders received was announced on June 12. Percentage figures are year-on-year changes.
Shareholder return policy
While giving top priority to the return of profit to our shareholders, we allocate dividends based principally on the payment-by-results system while striving to stabilize the management base and boost retained earnings on a long-term basis. We save retained earnings as funds for preparing for future business expansion, such as enhancement of the financial structure, development of new products and technologies, and improvement and upgrading of production equipment.
Payout ratio
As of the end of March 2024
Mitsubishi Kakoki Group's
Management Vision for 2050
Challenging sustainable development
and creating a comfortable society
Amid the significant change in the business environment surrounding the Mitsubishi Kakoki Group, we established the "Mitsubishi Kakoki Group's Management Vision for 2050" in 2021 under the vision statement of "Endeavoring to realize sustainable development and realizing a comfortable society," in order to continue our sustainable growth.
We will endeavor to realize the vision by clarifying five social issues our corporate group should solve, pursuing four strategic business domains, and establishing a new business portfolio for addressing social issues.
Initiatives toward the future
Medium-term management plan
(FY 2022 - FY 2024)
The main points of the current medium-term management plan are "Establishment of a New Business Portfolio" and "Establishment of a Management Base" toward growth based on "Mitsubishi Kakoki Group's Management Vision for 2050" and the summary of the previous medium-term management plan.
Business Outline
Engineering Business
The engineering business of our corporate group has grown along with the industrial development of Japan. Our expansion into overseas markets dates back over 70 years. Since then, we have developed diverse businesses, from lifelines such as city gas, hydrogen, water, and sewage systems to chemical plants for semiconductor materials/petrochemicals and pharmaceutical production facilities. In recent years, we have been engaged in the world's first project to produce hydrogen from biogas derived from sewage and operating hydrogen stations.
Industrial Machinery Business
Our corporate group was created with the objective of domestically manufacturing machinery for the chemical industry, and the industrial machinery business is the history of our company itself. Our company has developed and manufactured many centrifuges and filtration machines using its core technologies for separation and filtration, including an oil purifier, which was developed in the 1930s and still a mainstream product. In recent years, our company has focused in the areas of nanotechnology and microfiltration, and as an "industry that supports industry," it aims to further innovate things by utilizing the technologies it has cultivated so far.