Message from the President

First Step Toward "Evolution and Transformation"
Efforts toward Realizing "Mitsubishi Kakoki Group's Management Vision for 2050" that Looks Forward to Our 100th Anniversary in 2035
Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd. (MKK) was established in 1935 to meet the need for domestically manufactured chemical machinery at a time of overdependence on imports. While possessing a deep connection with the chemical industry in Japan ever since, MKK has built an extensive track record by engaging in the consolidated undertaking of the design, manufacture, and construction of equipment and facilities that have constantly met the needs of generation after generation across a whole host of different fields such as the fields of marine and industrial equipment, city gas, petroleum, hydrogen, electric power, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food products, semiconductors, bio technology, water treatment, and energy.
Since the inauguration of our business, our core technology has been the technology for "separating solids, liquid, and gas." In early days, we pursued the domestic production of machines for the chemical industry, and acquired "manufacturing technologies." By utilizing their strengths, we have accumulated experience and know-how of designing, manufacturing, and construction of devices and equipment in a broad range of fields. While addressing various social issues that arose as the times changed, we have honed our capabilities in the Engineering Business and the Industrial Machinery Business in the above-mentioned manner.
In today's world, which is referred to as "the era of VUCA*," the world we live in faces various social issues on a global scale, such as climate change, the energy crisis, and population problems. In October 2020, the Government of Japan declared that it aimed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 as a measure against global warming, which is one of the major social issues. In immediate response to this declaration, Japanese companies have made significant and rapid progress in developing products and technologies that are suitable for a carbon-free society.
Against this backdrop, we, the MKK Group, announced the "Mitsubishi Kakoki Group's Management Vision for 2050" (hereinafter referred to as "Management Vision") in November 2021 to contribute to society by taking on the challenge of doing everything we can to help solve these issues. Aiming to be realized by 2050, this Management Vision is a long-term vision in keeping with the 100th anniversary of our founding in 2035. Including our SDGs initiatives, the Management Vision outlines the goal for 2035 of growing the scale of our current business to 100 billion yen by combining an even thorough lineup of businesses formed from our existing technologies and products together with businesses in new fields.
By 2050, MKK Group aims to become a corporate group that contributes to solving the five social issues of "CO2 emissions & climate change," "circulation of resources," "water & food," "natural disaster," and "shortage of manpower." Outlining "We will endeavor to achieve sustainable development and realize a comfortable society" as our companywide objective and under our motto of MORE Sustainable, KEEP Innovating for a KINDHEARTED Society (MKK(Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd.)), we are determined to grow by expanding our business in the four domains of "business for realizing a sustainable recycling society," "hydrogen-based clean energy business," "business of saving labor and energy utilizing digital technology," and as a new business, "business of developing next-generation technologies for solving issues related to water, food, natural disaster, etc."
Currently, we are in the process of implementing our medium-term business plan (FY2022-FY2024) with the goal of "Evolution and Transformation" as the first step toward growth to bring this Management Vision to life. We will do our utmost to bring this plan to fruition, with our sights set on becoming a company that is able to put all its stakeholders at ease by pushing forward with efforts to "establish a new business portfolio" and "establish a management foundation" for the sake of growth to raise MKK's corporate value.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
※ VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity