
Contact Us

Our Support Center accepts and answers inquiries between 9:00 and 12:00, and between 13:00 and 17:00 Mondays to Fridays (Japan Standard Time) except national and company holidays in week days. For more details please click our corporate calendar.

Inquiries from Our Web Site

All details contained in inquiries sent by Inquiry Form in our web site are protected by SSL encryption. Please click the Privacy Policy link to see how your personal information and data contained in inquiries sent from our web site is handled by MKK.

Before submitting your inquiry, please understand that depending on the nature of the question it may take us a little time to reply or that we may be unable to reply.

When sending an inquiry, please select from the following topic most closely related to your question.

Note: To contact us, click on the Contact Form banner above and fill out the form.